The Roglio

David and Maria Elena, life partners...and partner in the vineyard.

We are the lucky guardians of a little piece of tuscan land at the border of Umbria region, four hectares equally divided in olive trees and vineyards situated in Palazzone, San Casciano dei Bagni's suburb.

In 2011, after having gained various experiences in the same field all over Italy, we decided to undertake our own path becoming VIGNAIOLI and recovering a piece of land property of Maria Elena's grandparents. So we started to implant new Chardonnay, Merlot, Grechetto and Sangiovese vineyards, besides to "renovate" the old vinery born in to 1962. We did the same with olive trees, selecting the best local varieties such as Correggiolo, Moraiolo, Leccio del Corno and Leccino, in order to put them alongside to centuries-old plants already there.

Azienda Agricola IL ROGLIO di M.E.P. - Strada di Peraio, 223 - 53043 Chiusi (SIENA) - Tel. 340 7769302 - P.IVA 01490630553